97% of Attendees Said They’d Come Back….
“Maverick’s Camp was going back to childhood and doing everything the Maverick’s way. This was the best and most enriching and invigorating experience. Thank you, Mavericks.”

President and Clinical Director of
Bodymechanics Institute

“Camp was awesome. I’ve made some great connections with people and a lot of good friends here. Reconnecting, rebonding with people and recentering myself so I can take it back home and just kick ass in my business!”

Naturopathic Doctor/Owner,
Solutions Pharmacy

“This has been the most amazing experience to me. I met a bunch of cool people. Everybody is smart. I can point a finger in any direction and learn something from anybody. I’ve met a lot of good partners–a lot of good people that can help me grow–being a Maverick Next’er. I can’t put a price on it. It’s the most amazing time I’ve ever had!”

Founder of Nettrus

“There some great business opportunities here. There’s some amazing people. Camp Maverick is an awesome time. Good people. Beautiful people. Smart people. This place is full of it all!”

Entrepreneur, Author & Business Owner
Founder of Custom Toll Free

Client Experience Officer at Corporate Disk Company
“This has been great…this Camp–being able to unplug. I’ve gotten to really enjoy all of the activities, and really embrace all of these guys around here. These people are fantastic, and I’ve learned a lot–this has really helped. Not to mention the great little prize that I got–that they gave me–for the scavenger hunt…stuff like that has made this an awesome experience.”

Principal at Inbound Designs

“I love Camp Maverick…This is the best conference I’ve been to. Who the hell wants to go to another Hilton or Marriott and sit in some conference room in the middle of anywhere. We did bubble soccer, silent disco, great counselors, water skiing, slides–it’s just tremendous…and we have a gong show coming up… the good news is the market cap of my business is just going up tremendously and there are so many advisors here that are helping us get there–helping us scale the business, so it’s really been phenomenal.
Needless to say…phenomenal friends, a great support, crazy people, and wonderful entrepreneurs. You’d be silly not to be here. Sign up today”

Founder & CEO of Lifematters
Former Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Winner

“Maverick Camp is great so far. I just come to a Maverick event and don’t’ know what to expect–usually I expect a kickass time of growing, learning, having a lot of fun. Actually, the fun factor allows me to open up the creative side. The Mavericks got a lot of good learning sessions–not too long so with my ADD it kind of works with me. But a lot of good conversations, too, outside the learning sessions when we’re having fun.
It was a kickass night…it’s an awesome time.”

Principal at Inbound DesigCo-Founder, Listen Up Espanolns

“This tribe is filled with brothers and sisters whose hearts I could only have dreamed of… truly blessed by the deep friendships made over the years with the Maverick Family.”


“I’ve never been more inspired, motivated, and fired up! Most amazing group of people I’ve met thus far on my journey.”


“This weekend was FULL of the most amazing moments of synchro-Maverick-nicity. So grateful for all the amazing entrepreneurs that I got to spend time with this past weekend at Camp Maverick.”

“Grateful to see old friends and meet so many amazing new people! Thanks Team Green and everyone for what I call “big talk.”

“This for me is as good as it gets…Extreme connection and playful joy being around like-minded Maverick enthusiasts/genius entrepreneurs for a weekend at #CampMaverick”


65 Tickets Available
In order to create a truly remarkable experience, Camp Maverick will be significantly more intimate than any of the previously sold-out Underground® events. Instead of 400-500 attendees like we would normally have, we’re paring the numbers down to just 130 campers in total.
Maverick1000, Maverick NEXT members and previous campers have already reserved 50% of the spots so that means there will be less than 65 tickets available when we open the doors.
Attendance is application-only so that we can truly curate the ideal mix of entrepreneurs, business leaders and impact makers from a multitude of fields.
We are looking for a combination of business success, current contribution, what you bring to the table and your ‘Maverick DNA’.
Ticket availability will be issued in the
following priority order:
- Personal Invite from a Maverick Member
- Previous Campers
- Past Underground® attendees (group of 4,000+)
- Early Camp Maverick priority notification list
- Invited partners and guests

Claim your Regular Owl Discount of $500 OFF Before April 15th
Current Regular Owl Discount: $4,995.00
Retail Price: $5,495.00